The benefits of acupuncture have become widely recognized and integrated with mainstream healthcare.
Acupuncture treats and strengthens physical conditions, physiological functions and controls pain. The goal is not just to eliminate or alleviate symptoms, but to treat the underlying cause, and improve the quality of life.
The benefits of acupuncture have become widely recognized and integrated with mainstream healthcare.
Acupuncture treats and strengthens physical conditions, physiological functions and controls pain. The goal is not just to eliminate or alleviate symptoms, but to treat the underlying cause, and improve the quality of life.
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is a complete medical system that has diagnosed, treated and prevented disease for over 2,500 years. The general theory is based on the premise that there are pathways of Qi (pronounced chee) throughout the body that are related to the organs and musculoskeletal systems.
When energy flow is disrupted due to trauma, poor diet, medications, stress, or other conditions, pain or illness can be the result. Acupuncture focuses on correcting imbalances by inserting ultra-thin needles under the skin to stimulate specific points in the body. Stimulation unblocks and encourages the even flow of Qi, restoring the body's balance, relieving pain and other symptoms.
Acupuncture and herbs can effectively be used to treat many conditions including:
acute & chronic injuries heart problems
allergies/asthma high blood pressure
anxiety/depression immune system deficiency
arthritis/joint problems infertility
back pain insomnia
bladder/kidney problems menopausal discomfort
colds/influenza neck pain/stiffness
constipation/diarrhea paralysis/numbness
cough/bronchitis premenstrual syndrome
dizziness pediatric conditions
drug/alcohol/smoking addiction rhinitis/sinusitis
effects of chemotherapy sciatica
fatigue sexual dysfunction
gastrointestinal disorders skin problems
gynecological disorders stress/tension
headache/migraine tendonitis
90 minutes
60 minutes
At your first appointment, your herbalist will ask for a detailed health history, including past and current illnesses. They’ll also want to know which medications you’re taking. This is important because herbs and drugs may not interact well together.
Your health concerns and goals will be discussed in order to create a personalized botanical medicine prescription.
60 minutes
Prices may vary with acupuncturists. Most insurances accepted. VETERANS - We accept TriWest Healthcare Alliance. Complimentary consultations available.
In order to give you the best results possible and to maximize the therapeutic effect of your treatment, we have found that the result of acupuncture therapy is the most successful when combined with additional restorative remedies.
Modalities include one or more of the following depending on your condition:
Electrical Acupuncture Heart Problems
Cupping High Blood Pressure
Liniments Immune System Deficiency
Infrared TDP Lamp Infertility
Moxibustion Insomnia
Heat Packs Menopausal Discomfort
We highly recommend you include these in your treatment program for optimum healing results.
Insurance coverage is often limited and compensates for 30 minutes of acupuncture only. You will be responsible for the full payment of $25 in addition to your co-pay.
Please fill out the form(s) and bring to your first appointment.
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